Tag Archives: mango craze

Caribbean mango beans


I like to food-travel  and today I made it to one of the most beautiful places in the world: Caribbean Islands. Colors, heat, tropical fruits and blue blue sky.

2 small portions

100 gr basmati rice

100 gram coconut milk

1 ripe mango

fresh cilantro

half finely chopped red onion

small can of black beans (good luck if you live in Poland – I used kidney beans instead)

1 ripe avocado

1 jalapeño (or a chili pepper)

1 lime

sea salt


Cook rice with coconut milk: take out a portion of water and replace with the same portion of coconut milk. Doesn’t really have to get any particular ratio: some Caribbeans cooks use milk and no water at all to boil rice. I was amazed by a beautiful color and a delicate taste rice win thanks to this.
Place in blender: cubed mango, onion, pepper (I prefer milder tastes so I was very careful with amount of pepper – for me a half jalapeño did the trick), cilantro and a pinch of salt and make a smooth sauce. The sauce tastes amazing: I always make double portion to freeze and use as a dip on different occasions.

Serve with heated beans, sliced mango and fresh cilantro.